Steams Showers and the Common Cold

How steam showers prevent common colds and give symptom relief
Soon winter will be here, and with it comes the endless days of sniffling and coughing due to common colds. But there is hope!
Soon winter will be here, and with it comes the endless days of sniffling and coughing due to common colds. But there is hope! Regular steam showers are not only soothing once you’ve caught that cold - they can even a prophylactic effect that may prevent you from catching it in the first place.
The cold winter weather tends to lower the body’s resistance when it comes to fighting viruses and bacteria. That’s when we are exposed to germs, we are more easily infected. Still, there are several ways to lower the risks of getting ill. Eating healthily, sleeping enough and disinfecting shared areas like kitchens and bathrooms are a good start. However, these are health strategies that most people are aware of. What you might not be aware of, is that the regular use of heat therapy in the form steam showers can significantly reduce the risk of catching a cold.
Reduction of symptoms
When you catch a cold, you can often experience respiratory problems like coughing, and nasal congestion. The dry, cold winter air can make this worse, whereas the humid heat of steam shower often provides a great remedy for these symptoms. Stuffy noses, mucus, sneezing and swollen sinuses are other symptoms that can be relieved through the use of steam showers. Steam can also offer the body relief from pains and aches that often follow from common colds.
Muscles that are tired and sore get to relax and recover in the gentle heat of a steam shower. The steam provides a milder warmth than regular saunas, that often feel more comfortable when you have a cold. It will boost your blood circulation and leave you feeling invigorated and refreshed.
If your steam provides aromatherapy - all the better! Scents that are known for reducing symptoms of colds are, among others, peppermint, eucalyptus and Increase the temperature
Talk to your local Amerec dealer to learn how to add steam to your home health & wellness program.